CMS Billing Updates for 2022
Premiums, Deductibles & Coinsurance Changes
In November, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) released the 2022 premiums, deductibles and coinsurance amounts for Medicare Part A and Part B. Each year to determine the Medicare Part B premiums, deductibles and coinsurance amounts, the Social Security Act is used and new costs are released to beneficiaries. You can read about how premiums are determined by visiting and searching for Part B costs. For 2022, the rates have been updated as follows:

  1. Standard monthly premium for Medicare Part B enrollees is $170.10 (up $21.60 from 2021)
  2. Annual Medicare Part B deductible is $233.00 (up $30 from 2021)
  3. Annual Medicare Part A deductible is $1,556 (up $72.00 from 2021)

CMS announced that the increases in the 2022 costs are due to rising prices across the healthcare system, additional contingency reserves and congressional action to lower costs. Every year, during open enrollment; eligible beneficiaries can compare coverage between Traditional Medicare and Medicare Advantage Plans like AARP Medicare Advantage or Aetna Medicare PPO. Part D prescription plans can also be compared and selected. Low-income seniors and adults with disabilities may qualify for lower premiums through the Medicare Savings Program.

New Place of Service Code
CMS announced that the description of place of service code 02 has been revised and a new place of service code has been created to meet the overall industry needs. Effective January 1, 2022 CMS will require the use of a new Place of Service code 10 for in-home telehealth services.

  1. POS 02: Telehealth Provided Other than in Patient’s Home Descriptor: The location where health services and health related services are provided or received, through telecommunication technology. Patient is not located in their home when receiving health services or health related services through telecommunication technology.
  2. POS 10: Telehealth Provided in Patient’s Home Descriptor: The location where health services and health related services are provided or received through telecommunication technology. Patient is located in their home (which is a location other than a hospital or other facility where the patient receives care in a private residence) when receiving health services or health related services through telecommunication technology.

The full Place of Service code set with descriptions can be found on or by clicking here.




About PGM

Physicians Group Management (PGM) is one of the fastest-growing medical billing companies in the United States.  For over 35 years, PGM has been providing medical billing and practice management services and software to physicians, healthcare facilities, and laboratories.  PGM’s current client base encompasses the full spectrum of medical specialties, including Internal Medicine, Dermatology, Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery, Pathology, EMS & Ambulatory Services, Cardiology, Nephrology, Urology, Pain Management, OB/GYN, Gastroenterology, Independent Laboratory, and many more.  PGM’s medical billing and practice management solutions include:                           –

– A full suite of practice management and medical billing solutions each tailored to the specific needs of your practice

– CCHIT-certified electronic medical record software and services

– Streamlined, customized credentialing services for providers of all sizes

– Practice management software that provides advanced financial and practice analysis tools, specifically designed to give enhanced visibility of operations at the click of a button

Laboratory billing software that offers best-in-class systems to streamline, and manage and track, financial and administrative processes