Behavioral & Mental Health ICD-9 to ICD-10 Code Conversions

Mental & Behavioral Health ICD-9 to ICD-10 Crosswalk

Note: For certain ICD-10 codes, there may be more specific code choice selections available. Make sure to review whether a more specific code exists. Codes with a greater degree of specificity should be considered first.

* Indicates ICD-10 codes requiring a 7th character extender.

25 of the Most Common Mental & Behavioral Health ICD 10 Codes


V71.09 Observation of other suspected mental condition

290.0 Senile dementia, uncomplicated

291.1 Alcohol induced persisting amnestic disorder

295.70 Schizoaffective type schizophrenia unspecified state

296.32 Major depressive affective disorder recurrent episode moderate degree

296.33 Major depressive affective disorder recurrent episode severe degree without psychotic behavior

296.34 Major depressive affective disorder recurrent episode severe degree specified as with psychotic behavior

296.90 Unspecified episodic mood disorder

296.80 Bipolar disorder, unspecified

298.9 Unspecified psychosis

299.00 Autistic disorder, current or active state

300.00 Anxiety state unspecified

300.01 Panic disorder without agoraphobia

300.02 Generalized anxiety disorder

300.2 Phobia, unspecified

300.21 Agoraphobia with panic disorder

300.23 Social phobia

300.3 Obsessive compulsive disorder

304.03 Opioid type dependence in remission

309.24 Adjustment disorder with anxiety

309.28 Adjustment disorder with mixed anxiety and depressed mood

309.81 Posttraumatic stress disorder

311 Depressive disorder not elsewhere classified

314.01 Attention deficit disorder of childhood with hyperactivity

331.0 Alzheimer’s disease

* Indicates ICD-10 codes requiring a 7th character extender.

For more ICD-10 codes, please visit PGM’s ICD-10 code conversion tool that allows users to convert ICD-9 to ICD-10 codes and vice versa by selecting the ICD conversion type followed by a user defined code.